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时间:2015-10-21  来源:中华会计考试网  编辑:  打印

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【精品班】2018年职称英语考试辅导 当期考试不过,下期学费减半!


1 Mary has blended the ingredients.

A mixed        B made

C cooked       D eaten

2 They agreed to modify their policy.

A clarify      B change

C define       D develop

3 The economy continued to exhibit signs of decline in September.

A play        B send

C show        D tell

4 A notably short man, he plays basketball with his staff several times a week.

A practically     B considerably

C remarkably      D completely

5 The dentist has decided to extract her bad tooth.

A take out       B repair

C push in        D dig

6 It is absurd to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow.

A ridiculous      B funny

C odd          D foolish

7 A lot of people could fall ill after drinking contaminated water.

A muddled       B polluted

C mixed        D troubled

8 The room is dim and quiet.

A tiny        B pleasant

C dark        D agreeable

9 The index is the government's chief gauge of future economic activity.

A measure      B opinion

C evaluation     D decision

10 It's prudent to start any exercise program gradually at first.

A workable      B sensible

C possible      D feasible

11 He is renowned for his skill.

A remembered     B recommended

C praised      D well-known

12 You have to be patient if you want to sustain your position.

A maintain      B establish

C acquire      D support

13 She stood there, trembling with fear.

A jumping       B crying

C swaying       D shaking

14 Medical facilities are being upgraded.

A renewed        B repaired

C improved       D increased

15 Mary looked pale and weary.

A gloomy        B ugly

C silly        D exhausted

